Please Leave A Message

Whether you were able to attend or just sent birthday wishes from afar, we hope you’ll take a moment to add your special thoughts and memories about Elizabeth here.

Believe it or not, her 90th birthday is just around the corner and we hope we’ll have many messages to share with her!

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Thanks so much!

happy birthday elizabeth - leave a message
happy birthday elizabeth
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  • Sheree Sobel
    May 10, 2020at9:49 pm

    What a lovely remembrance of a special occasion. I have such fond memories of the time we spent together in your delightful home & our special trip to Glacier Park. You are an amazing woman and I am fortunate that you are both family and a friend.
    With love,

  • Kimberly Cohen
    May 12, 2020at8:06 pm

    I must admit this website was slow in coming, but I’d promised you I’d create something for you from the memorabilia kept from your special day. At the time, I was thinking of a scrapbook, but I’m not creative in that way so perhaps that’s why I’ve procrastinated for such a long time. However, when the pandemic hit and Dan and I were forced to stay home rather than joining you in Montana to celebrate your 89th birthday this year, I thought it was high time I get my act together. As they say, “Better late than never!” Looking forward to celebrating your 90th next year together Mom!

  • Dan Cohen
    May 13, 2020at4:33 am

    Who will ever forget the birthday bash on the river? When your dress was caught in the riverboat’s paddle wheel, causing you to spin 6 revolutions before shocked onlookers extricated you, soaking wet, from that devil wheel, now THAT was a sight to see. You are as beautiful today as you were on that glorious day, 19 years ago, albeit not as moist. Sorry we couldn’t be with you this year, but look what we have to look forward to when 90 rolls around! Wishing you a wonderful birthday and many more. Stay dry.

  • Judy Callahan
    May 14, 2020at10:37 am

    I remember attending your birthday bash in Sacramento and all the wonderful visits we had. I sometimes wish you had stayed in Pennsylvania but I guess that would be selfish of me.. That was your destiny! Please know that I love you very much and you are always in my heart.

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